The area known as Valderejo-Sobrón-Sierra de Árcena, a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), covers almost 7,000 hectares in the region of Valles Alaveses, in the west of the Alava Territory. This territory contains two sectors separated by the area of San Zadornil in Burgos: the Valderejo sector, a high valley crossed by the river Purón, and the Sobrón-Árcena sector, which comprises the most south-eastern portion of the mountain range towards the Ebro and Omecillo valleys. Included to the north of Valdegovía is the Monte Santiago Natural Monument, known as the source of the Nervión. All this territory is distinguished by its low population density and vast expanses of forests with rocky outcrops and is home to an exceptional diversity of habitats and species, with 28 types of habitats of community interest, five of them priority, and a notable presence of endangered flora and fauna.

Camping Angosto is located at the gates of this immense area in the centre of the Valdegovía Valley.


Declared Araba’s first Natural Park in 1992, in this landscape dominated by forests and abrupt rock formations, the importance of the Purón river gorge stands out, which is the scenic jewel that crosses Valderejo from northwest to southeast until it flows into the Ebro, in the province of Burgos. The area exhibits exceptional ecological richness, with well-preserved habitats and a diversity of endangered plant species such as Buxbaumia viridis and Narcissus asturiensis. It is also home to a considerable variety of fauna, including species like the European mink, otter, Bonelli’s eagle and crayfish, as well as a variety of bats and rock birds. Recuenco (1239 m) is its highest peak.

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This protected natural area in the lands of La Bureba and Las Merindades in Burgos was declared a Natural Park in 2006. It limits with the Valdegovía Valley through the Jurisdiction of San Zadornil, where it contains Mediterranean-Atlantic vegetation that runs between canyons and gorges and includes beech and oak groves as well as gall oak, juniper and holm oak groves. This environmental richness favours the existence of diverse species of birds that live here and use it as a transit area on their migrations, which is why it was declared a Special Protection Area for Birds by the European Union in the year 2000. There are several mountain ranges and the highest peak is the Humión peak (1434 m).

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To the north-east of the province of Burgos and bordering Valdegovía to the north, this route leads to the great amphitheatre created by the source of the river Nervión. This river forms one of the highest waterfalls in Europe, visible only when there is moderate rainfall, as the karst terrain causes the water to seep and flow through the lower part of the canyon. From the top, the views take us to Amurrio (Araba) and Orduña (Bizkaia) and to different birds of prey and carrion-eating birds that feed on the walls of the sierra. At an altitude of 900 metres, beech and heathland with low scrubland are the two ecosystems that stand out. El Charlazo (937m) is the most emblematic peak, where the large statue of the Virgin of Orduña stands.

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